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  3. Page Builder
  4. Edit a page with builder active

Edit a page with builder active

1. Make sure you are logged in.

2. On Kidney Kitchen, navigate to the page that you wish to edit.

3. On the top black navigation bar, select ‘Beaver Builder’. [If you don’t see “Beaver Builder” in the black navigation bar, scroll down a bit on the page and click the tab that says “Beaver Builder” (at left) and then click the blue “Launch Beaver Builder” button.]

4. Once launched, select the content or area that you wish to edit.

5. Make your edits in the popup box that appears. More instructions on editing specific modules can be found here. 

6. Once completed, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the box.

7. Click ‘Done’ located at the top right corner of the page.

8. Click ‘Publish’.

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