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  3. Page Builder
  4. Edit the header or footer

Edit the header or footer

The header and footer are themer layouts that you edit separately from the main body of the page. There are other themer layouts such as the standard single page (called “singular” or the page hero). Read more about themer layouts here.

Edit the header and footer by taking the following steps:

  1. Make sure you are logged into the WordPress dashboard. If you are, you should see the dark gray admin bar at the top of the screen.
  2. While viewing any page on the front end, hover over the ‘Beaver builder’ link in the admin bar and choose ‘Header’ to edit the header or ‘Footer’ to edit the footer.

Alternatively, go to the back end and choose ‘Beaver Builder’ from the gray admin menu on the left side. Choose ‘Themer Layouts’ to see a list of the available layouts used in the site.

In the list of themer layouts, hover over ‘Header’ or ‘Footer’ and click ‘Beaver Builder’ when it pops up underneath.

Once the ‘Beaver Builder’ page loads, select the column you wish to edit.

Make your edits in the popup box that appears. More instructions on editing specific modules can be found here. 

Once completed, click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the box.

Click ‘Done’ located at the top right corner of the page.

Click ‘Publish’.


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