For Professionals

Eating healthy with kidney disease

Healthy eating for each stage of kidney disease

What you eat and drink plays a big role in your health when you have kidney disease. Understanding and following a kidney-friendly food and fluid plan every day can feel like a full-time job. There are many things to consider, like different nutrients, the amount of fluid you consume and how and what to eat depending on your stage of kidney disease.

We have broken down healthy eating for each stage of kidney disease to ease some of the burden of having to navigate a kidney-friendly food and fluid plan and to help guide you through your journey with this disease – from stages 1 and 2 all the way through post-transplant living.

Learn more about healthy eating for your specific stage of kidney disease

Learn more about healthy eating for your
specific stage of kidney disease

As always, talk with your doctor and dietitian to create a food and fluid plan that is healthy for your unique needs.

Featured Recipes

Low Phosphorus
Low Potassium
Low Protein
Low Sodium
Chicken Veronique
Medium Phosphorus
Medium Potassium
High Protein
Low Sodium
Pork with Glazed Plums
Medium Potassium
High Protein
Low Sodium

Popular resources

Food Insecurity

Understanding food insecurity in kidney disease

If you have skipped meals in the past year because you could not afford them, given up kidney-friendly foods because they are too expensive or feel that you do not have access to healthy food options, you may be experiencing food insecurity.