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Logging in

Refer to this document only when Myron has created a WordPress account for you!


Log in to the WordPress dashboard at https://kitchen.kidneyfund.org/wp-admin/

If you run into an endless loop, asking you to do math problems or an error saying “you must enable cookies” just go to the browser’s address bar and delete everything after the “?” from the URL . Then press enter to reload the page without all that redirect stuff. Sometimes the security features on our hosting platform are a bit overzealous and WordPress’ built-in redirect just confuses it.


Forgot your password? Just click on “Lost Your Password?” below the login box. You can use your username or your email address. If your account is found (i.e.: your username or email address is already in the system) the site will email you a link to reset your password. If you don’t receive it in an hour or more check your spam folder! These kinds of emails often end up there.

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