For Professionals

Coq au Vin

Prep time: 1 hour
Cook time: 90 min

Coq au vin means ‘rooster with wine’ and is one of the most classic French recipes. This richly flavored and hearty stew is great for the fall or winter.


6 servings

Serving size

⅙ stew


1 ½ pounds small chicken thighs (about 5)

Pinch sea salt

½ teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground

1 cup red wine

1 bay leaf

1 teaspoon fresh thyme, chopped

½ ounce bacon

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 small (26 grams) onion, diced

1 large (66 grams) carrot, diced

4 ounces white or brown mushrooms, quartered

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 teaspoon tomato paste

1 tablespoon unsalted butter

½ tablespoon unbleached flour

1 sprig thyme, fresh

3 ounces pearl onions

¼ cup parsley leaves, chopped


  1. Season chicken with salt and pepper and place in a medium bowl.
  2. Add wine, bay leaf, chopped thyme and cover. Marinate in the fridge for 2 hours or more.
  3. Remove thighs from bowl, drain and dry with a paper towel. Reserve the marination liquid.
  4. Cook bacon in a large Dutch oven over medium heat until crispy. Transfer cooked bacon with tongs to a plate lined with paper towels to drain. Reserve bacon fat in the pot.
  5. Add olive oil to the bacon fat in the pot and heat on medium high.
  6. Brown chicken thighs in the pot over medium-high heat, about 4 minutes each side. Remove thighs and set aside. Reserve fat in the pot.
  7. Add onions, carrots and mushrooms to the pot and sauté over medium-low heat until onions are translucent and slightly golden, about 7 minutes.
  8. Add the garlic and tomato paste. Cook for 2 more minutes.
  9. Push vegetables with a wooden spoon to one side of the pot. Melt butter on the other empty side and add flour on top of butter. Mix butter and flour with the spoon.
  10. Combine the flour mixture with the vegetables.
  11. Pour in the reserved marination liquid into the pot. Add the reserved chicken thighs to the pot, arranging to spread them evenly inside.
  12. Add reserved bacon, crumbled into pieces, and a sprig of thyme. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes.
  13. Add the pearl onions and simmer uncovered for 10 more minutes over medium-high heat.
  14. Serve by placing the chicken on each plate followed by a ladle of the vegetables and wine sauce poured over the chicken.
  15. Sprinkle parsley over each portion.

Cooking Tip

This dish can be cooked one day in advance and reheated before serving. Add a spoon or two of low-sodium broth to thin the sauce for reheating, if necessary.

Recipe Contributed by FamilyCook Productions

Nutrition Info

Nutrition Info

Makes: 6 servings  Serving size: ⅙ stew




55 g

Saturated Fat

16 g

Trans Fat

<1 g


127 mg


7 g


2 g


1 g


13 g


140 mg


28 mg


160 mg


354 mg