For Professionals

What fruits are good for stage 3 kidney disease?

- Rebecca G,


All fruits and vegetables fit in a stage 3 CKD eating pattern. Usually, you have not been placed on a potassium restriction in stage 3. For meals its recommended that you have at least ½ your plate be vegetables and some fruits, ¼ of your plate whole grains and ¼ lean protein. For snacks: 1 small fruit with a small portion of protein (such as cheese, peanut butter, yogurt) to help keep you feeling full. Fruits are full of lots of different vitamins and minerals and eating a wide variety is important to help you get that benefit. We encourage fresh or frozen (not in syrup) fruits vs juice. By eating whole fruits, you also get the fiber which is missing in juice. It is easy to go a bit ‘overboard’ with smaller fruits (grapes, tangerines, cut fruit) and juice. While you may eat too many calories when eating a larger portion of fruits, it still contains fiber and helps slow down the carbohydrate absorption vs drinking juice which doesn’t have the fiber and could cause a spike in blood sugar. Also juice doesn’t leave you feeling full as a piece of fruit, possibly you will end up eating something in addition which would add to your daily calorie intake. Some people need to avoid grapefruit and its juice because of medication if that is the case – continue to avoid grapefruit.


Carolyn Feibig, MS, RD, CCTD


Kidney Kitchen is not designed to diagnose disease or prescribe an eating plan for your stage of kidney disease. The information shared on Kidney Kitchen is developed by experts in renal nutrition and is provided for informational purposes only. The American Kidney Fund, its staff, agents and Trustees are not able to provide medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional or registered dietitian for specific questions you may have about your diet. Learn more

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