For Professionals

I have CKD (stage 4) and Crohn’s and an ileostomy. I am often confused as to what diet to follow. Suggestions?

Absolutely, following guidelines for multiple conditions can certainly be challenging. What initially sticks out to me as commonalities with these conditions is that they could all benefit from a low-inflammatory approach. Focusing on foods that will keep your Crohn’s flares to a minimum will help you absorb nutrients and keep inflammation down. Lower inflammation also helps CKD. Plant based proteins as well as fruits and vegetables will be less inflammatory than meat based foods and processed foods.


Amanda Lane, MS, RD, CDCES, LDN


Kidney Kitchen is not designed to diagnose disease or prescribe an eating plan for your stage of kidney disease. The information shared on Kidney Kitchen is developed by experts in renal nutrition and is provided for informational purposes only. The American Kidney Fund, its staff, agents and Trustees are not able to provide medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional or registered dietitian for specific questions you may have about your diet. Learn more

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