For Professionals

Can you eat coconut yogurt and drink coconut milk for stage 3 kidney disease? It is not on the potassium/phosphorous charts.

Potassium and phosphorus are rarely listed on nutritional facts labels because it’s not required by the FDA since the general population may not need to monitor their intake of these nutrients. However, as you may have noticed, just because it’s not listed doesn’t mean they aren’t in foods. A good rule of thumb is to pay attention to what foods/beverages are high in potassium and phosphorus, and to avoid/limit those if/when your doctor or renal dietitian advises you to do so based on your lab readings. That being said, whether or not you can or cannot eat coconut related products should be based on your labs – how your individual kidney function is able to filter. You may be given the diagnosis of CKD 3, but your kidney’s ability to filter potassium/phosphorus may be different than another person with CKD 3 so it’s difficult to give a general yes or no answer. Coconuts are considered higher in potassium; therefore, if your kidneys are having a difficult time filtering potassium in your body, then it would be wise to limit your intake of coconut products. Consult with your doctor, and especially your renal dietitian for a recommendation that would be most suitable for you.


Kathy Wong, RDN


Kidney Kitchen is not designed to diagnose disease or prescribe an eating plan for your stage of kidney disease. The information shared on Kidney Kitchen is developed by experts in renal nutrition and is provided for informational purposes only. The American Kidney Fund, its staff, agents and Trustees are not able to provide medical advice. Please consult with a medical professional or registered dietitian for specific questions you may have about your diet. Learn more

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