For Professionals

Quinoa Crackers

Prep time: 30 min
Cook time: 40 min

These crackers are a healthy, gluten-free alternative to highly processed, store bought crackers. They are very mild in taste and are intended to accompany dips, spreads and recipes that need a bit of grain support to be more filling.


6 servings

Serving size

2 crackers


½ cup quinoa

2 tablespoon chia seeds, divided

2 tablespoons sunflower seeds

1 tablespoon olive oil

¼ cup water

3 tablespoons flax seeds


Special Equipment:

Food processor or high-speed blender

Rolling pin

Baking sheet

Parchment or waxed paper

Spice grinder


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Cook the quinoa according to package instructions.
  3. Puree the cooked quinoa in a food processor or high-speed blender. Add 1 tablespoon chia seeds, 2 tablespoons sunflower seeds and olive oil and process until mixture is well combined. Reserve in the food processor.
  4. Combine 1 tablespoon chia seeds with ¼ cup of water. Mix well and let stand for 5 minutes until a gelatinous texture is reached.
  5. Grind flax seeds in a spice/coffee grinder or food processor
  6. Combine gelatinous chia seeds with ground flax seeds to quinoa mixture in food processor. Process to thoroughly combine
  7. Place mixture between 2 sheets of parchment on a counter.
  8. Roll into a thin layer between the sheets of parchment, approximately 6 x 6-inches square.
  9. Transfer to a baking sheet on the parchment. Score the rolled dough into 1 ½ x 3-inch rectangles.
  10. Bake at 350°F for 20 minutes or until browned. Turn over and bake 20 minutes more with the bottom side up.
  11. Remove from the oven and very carefully cut or break the crackers along the 1 ½ x 3-inch rectangles depressions.
  12. Enjoy with salads, spreads, dips, etc.

Cooking Tip

Store in an airtight container for 10 days to 2 weeks.

Recipe Contributed by FamilyCook Productions

Nutrition Info

Nutrition Info

Makes: 6 servings  Serving size: 2 crackers




8 g

Saturated Fat

1 g

Trans Fat

0 g


0 mg


13 g


1 g


4 g


4 g


3 mg


43 mg


146 mg


155 mg